Individual holistic psychotherapy for women

Sometimes the stressors in our lives are obvious, and at other times they are very subtle. In our work together I invite you to notice your real, present moment experience because whether or not the stressors are visible, the impact often is.

Some ways that ongoing stress may manifest are:

  • Anxiety / Overthinking

  • Perfectionism / Loud inner critic

  • Challenges with self-esteem

  • Guilt and/or shame

  • Burnout / Going through the motions

  • Values-behavior misalignment

  • Shutting down parts of yourself/your identity

  • Difficulty saying “no”

  • Confusing/unfulfilling relationships

  • Unattended grief

  • Fearfulness / Hyper-vigilance

  • Disconnection from feelings/your body

  • Chronic pain, fatigue and/or illness

  • Feeling lost from creativity/sexuality/spirituality

I believe there is adaptive wisdom in these experiences, and you may find that they are no longer serving you. Together we’ll explore what’s here now: be it emotion, thought, belief, intuition, impulse and/or sensation - welcoming all parts with curiosity and without judgement, as they are usually here for a reason.

Through the organic unfolding of holistic psychotherapy, I’ve witnessed clients reconnect with their inner ease and vitality, with other people in meaningful ways, and with their bodies.

Reconnect with yourself

Perhaps you feel disconnected from yourself - the endless cycle of self-doubt, trying to do everything “right” or searching and longing for the person you know you are deep down - we will gently get to know the circumstances and protective layers that might be inhibiting your natural joy and authenticity. We can explore together with compassion and without judgement what is here now - including your unique strengths, gifts and self-care practices - as we dive deeper into the layers of your being, all in service of reconnecting with your true self.

Reconnect with others

Relationships are essential to survival, a sense of self and vitality. They can bring joy, love, nurturing and vibrancy; they can also bring pain, loss, sorrow and grief. Whether it’s with romantic partners, family members, friends, colleagues, community in general or society at-large - how you feel in relationships matters. Through mindfulness, collaborative insight and via real-time in session, together we’ll notice your experience in connection with others, identify your values, needs and boundaries, reframe limiting beliefs, address relevant sociocultural factors, and discover what it means to cultivate safe, fulfilling relationships.

Reconnect with your body

You may know intimately that too much ongoing stress creates a fearful, disconnected or distressing relationship with your body. This may feel like excess tension, trouble relaxing, holding your breath or feeling stuck/numb. Mindfully reconnecting with your body slowly and at your own pace offers one way to cultivate your inner sense of safety, agency and presence. By following Sensorimotor Psychotherapy’s trauma-informed approach, we can gently begin to notice, process and restore what might be holding you back so that you may reclaim your breath, embodiment, vitality and wellbeing.